Too Busy To Read? Try Audio Books!!

Too Busy To Read? Try Audio Books!!

Do you enjoy reading but feel like your life is too hectic to actually sit down and enjoy a good book? Whether it’s self-educating or pleasure reading, I have found that audiobooks are perfect for my busy life. Some people will argue that audio books don’t count as...
Finding a Peaceful Place to Clear Your Mind

Finding a Peaceful Place to Clear Your Mind

Do you ever feel overwhelmed or stressed beyond the point of being able to function because your life is so busy at times? I’m sure we all have reached that point sometime in our lives and it can cause us to neglect the important things in life and fall backwards on...
Failure Leads To Brilliance

Failure Leads To Brilliance

Failure and its effects aren’t talked about enough. We rarely even use the word, let alone discuss what it might signify or how it might affect our leadership. And as much as investors exalt failure, in reality, people still shrink from it. We rarely hear...
Are You Stuck In A Rut?

Are You Stuck In A Rut?

Do you find yourself bored, unmotivated, or unchallenged in your business? Have you lost interest in trying? Do you struggle with creating new ideas? Do you have a hard time keeping up with your colleagues? Any of these may be a sign that you are in a rut. The...

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