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It’s a New Year and we all have big goals and plans. But can I be honest with you? If you don’t like yourself, you’re going to have difficulty in every area of your life. You will have difficulty in reaching your goals and believing you can. The only person that...
4 Things To Remember About Progress

4 Things To Remember About Progress

I’m learning progress doesn’t show up overnight. Progress looks like learning to mince garlic and sub out sour cream for greek yogurt. Progress looks like those peanut butter energy balls you pinned last week turning crumbly and inconsistent. Progress looks like...
Don’t Give Up

Don’t Give Up

Well it’s almost Christmas. Can you believe it? If your year has been anything like mine, it’s had its ups and downs with a few amazing things thrown in just to keep you holding on. Isn’t it crazy how much life can change in one year? The moments that we wish we...
Be Still

Be Still

I have always been a pretty high-energy, ambitious, project person since I was a little girl. I’d search for project after project to throw myself into. My idea of a great time was to start with an idea, create something with my hands, and follow it through to the...
Christmas Stress Anyone?

Christmas Stress Anyone?

Christmas is coming and I see so many stresed out to make sure that perfect gift is under the tree, all the baking is done, meals prepared on time for the family and that perfect outfit that we need for the parties that are coming up.   We always focus on material...
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