Stop Settling

Stop Settling

People settle for mediocrity in many aspects of their lives on a daily basis. We accept jobs we hate, we deal with friends who let us down and we let our significant others get away with things we shouldn’t. Why do people choose to be content where they’re at instead...
Doing Things That Scare You

Doing Things That Scare You

You will often hear me say that success happens outside of your comfort zone and that facing my fears was one of the ways that I was able to see the success that has come my way. Some people wonder the purpose of doing things that scare you. Well, it’s all boiled down...
Grow Your Business With Social Media

Grow Your Business With Social Media

In today’s market, social media has become a staple in everyone’s business plan if they are wanting to grow and build their brand. There are endless possibilities when you choose to use social media to market your business. Just think about the target market...
7 Words To Live By

7 Words To Live By

1.   Take Care of Yourself Women are very good at taking care of people, particularly mothers. They learn to meet everyone else’s needs, but oftentimes neglect themselves. No one knows what a woman needs like the woman herself. Only we know when we need to rest, go...

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