The Fortune Is In The Follow Up

The Fortune Is In The Follow Up

As a network marketer, following up is a key tool that I use in order to gain new customers and business partners. You can’t expect people to purchase your product or do business with you on the first meeting. Sometimes you will luck out and this will happen but you...
Keeping Up To Date On Social Media Platforms

Keeping Up To Date On Social Media Platforms

Social media is constantly changing, whether it’s updates and improvements on current sites or completely new platforms coming out; so it’s important to stay up to date on the latest trends. As a network marketer my business thrives off of social media because that is...
Things That Assist In Overcoming Stress

Things That Assist In Overcoming Stress

Stress: as much as we try, sometimes we just can’t avoid it. Especially when you own your own business and are pursuing a life of entrepreneurship. There is always something to be done and you’re always the one who is going to be held accountable. The best option is...
Apps That Make Life Easier

Apps That Make Life Easier

Living life as an entrepreneur can be a whirlwind of excitement and endless possibilities but at the same time, it can be STRESSFUL. Attempting to stay organized and on track can be a challenge at times but luckily we live in a world where technology is continuing to...

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