What’s Holding You Back?

What’s Holding You Back?

I’m sure most of you have heard the quote “When one door closes, another opens;” Well, have you heard the last part of the quote? “but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”  How many times...
The Mistake Of Taking Advice From Just Anybody

The Mistake Of Taking Advice From Just Anybody

Advice is one thing that is freely given away but most of it isn’t worth taking. Be careful who you take advice from because  chances are most of the people who are willing to give advice, have no idea how to achieve the goals you have. This doesn’t stop people from...
Benefits Of Group Accountability

Benefits Of Group Accountability

You’ve set your goals…now what? What is your plan to ensure that you reach those goals? Don’t set goals and then push them to the side and carry them with you year after year.  Take some time to figure out what you can do differently to achieve these goals.  As...
Change Is Good

Change Is Good

Let’s face it, embracing change can be difficult. Everyone likes to stay in their comfort zone, hence the word “comfort”, because that is where you feel most secure. The problem is, change is going to enter your life whether you want it to or not. That is why...
Choosing Your Purpose First

Choosing Your Purpose First

You would think that choosing your purpose first would be a no brainer, right? Well, you’re wrong. Coming from experience, choosing my purpose was something I had to put on hold and I really wish I hadn’t. As I’ve said before, I always knew I wanted to help people but...

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