Show Up, Be Real, Love Others

Show Up, Be Real, Love Others

When I feel worried or nervous about a situation, I use this little Fierce Faith mantra to keep me on track. Show up. Be real. Love others. Don’t quit. I developed this mantra because when I feel fear getting the best of me, I tend to want to run and hide, put on my...
Take That Risk

Take That Risk

Hey Girl, I’m talking to the Woman who has had it a little rough this last year.  At our home for Thanksgiving, we gather around the table with family and friends, and together we reflect on the year behind us, then we share what we’re hoping for in the year ahead of...


I want it all, don’t you? We want the career, the family, the pinterest-worthy home, the summer bar-be-ques, the picturesque winter getaways, but sometimes without all the waiting. Wouldn’t it be nice to be served this dream life on a lovely little silver platter. No...
Keep Paddling

Keep Paddling

Today my thought is simple: stay calm and keep paddling. You are taking ground even if it doesn’t feel like it. Just because it feels hard, doesn’t mean you aren’t going anywhere. God just might be building in you the strength you need so that He can take you where...
Betrayal, How To Heal

Betrayal, How To Heal

We have all had to deal with it a time or two, maybe more. Betrayal! To be honest with you, It sucks! However I want to share with you a few tips on how you can heal from it and live a life of freedom. 1. UNDERSTAND THAT ONE PAINFUL EXPERIENCE DOESN’T HAVE TO COLOR...

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