The Gift Of Giving

The Gift Of Giving

Being able to give a gift, is something so much more joyous than receiving one. There’s nothing that I love more than seeing the excitement in someone’s face when they receive something that I got them. And it doesn’t always have to be a materialistic item, you...
The Power Of Giving Back

The Power Of Giving Back

Giving back is something that is near and dear to my heart. I truly believe that one person can change the world so it has been my mission to change the lives of women who have a similar story to myself. I was a teen mom and many people told me I would never reach the...
The Power Of Giving

The Power Of Giving

Giving does not necessarily mean giving out money or material items. People can give their thoughts, opinions, or any other non-material item. It can still benefit someone greatly. That does not give you an excuse to not give material items if that is what you wish....

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