Don’t Forget Your Passion

Don’t Forget Your Passion

When you own your own business, it can be hard to stay on track with what you’re passionate about. I do this too because we get lost in our desire to build our business stronger that we tend to forget why we started in the first place. I was researching ways to...
Stop Walking In Fear

Stop Walking In Fear

Many people say they are willing to do anything to succeed but when the time comes, they don’t follow through with that statement. They run in fear of failure and continue to stay in the same place they were at before. It’s that inner self-doubt that consistently has...
5 Things Successful People Do On Weekends

5 Things Successful People Do On Weekends

Being successful doesn’t necessarily mean you have to slave away day in and day out. Reaching that level of success that you desire means you worked smart and you made the right decisions. Among those smart decisions are choosing to spend your weekends the right way....
Preparing Your Business For The Fall Season

Preparing Your Business For The Fall Season

Like a lot of businesses, the fall season not only brings cooler weather and pumpkin flavored, well, everything; it also brings a slower period for sales. Especially in the health and wellness industry, it seems like every fall there is a gradual decrease in sales and...
The Importance Of Having A Business Coach

The Importance Of Having A Business Coach

The best thing about a coach or mentor is that they keep you accountable to your vision. Often as a small business owner you can get caught working in your business and not spending enough time working on it and moving toward your business goals. Having weekly or even...

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