How To Be Comfortable Being YOU

How To Be Comfortable Being YOU

As an entrepreneur I have come to realize that one of the main keys to growing your business is being comfortable and confident with yourself because that will then make you feel the same about your business. I’m not necessarily talking about your looks or health, but...
What Drives Your Business?

What Drives Your Business?

Think about the reason you started your own business. Or if you don’t have your own business, think of why you would want one. Is it because you can virtually make your own hours, or because you want to make more money than you do at your 9 to 5 job, or could it be a...
Getting Over The Past

Getting Over The Past

Dwelling on the past can hold you back more than you think when it comes to business and life goals. If you are constantly looking back on what could have been or what should have been, you will never be able to take the necessary steps to grow. Here are great...

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