Doing What You Love

Doing What You Love

I am a firm believer in doing what you love. Timing is important when it comes to pursing your dream career, because honestly, sometimes the finances that come with doing what you love don’t out weigh your current job. I have dealt with this personally while pursing...
Easy Steps For Filing An LLC Online

Easy Steps For Filing An LLC Online

If you are an entrepreneur and you do not have an LLC yet, I highly suggest you create one. Even if you don’t do a lot of business yet, it is always smart to create your LLC for future reasons. You have a vision of what you want your business to become, so planning...
Becoming The Business Partner You Want

Becoming The Business Partner You Want

A lot of times as an entrepreneur you will have opportunities to partner with other like minded entrepreneurs to pursue your dreams together. When this arises, you have to be able to be the business partner that will enable both of you to thrive. Working along side...
How To Overcome Rejection

How To Overcome Rejection

Rejection is negative judgment shown, and judgment is subjective by nature. Everyone has their own opinion and it doesn’t necessarily have to match yours. Someone could choose to reject you, it does not mean you aren’t worthy of their business or time; it just means...
The Importance of Following Up

The Importance of Following Up

Have you ever heard the phrase; “The fortune is in the follow up”? Well that phrase is popular for a reason. Following up with your potential customers is a must when you have your own business. People aren’t going to beat down your door to try your products and they...

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