The Importance Of Investing In Knowledge

The Importance Of Investing In Knowledge

Expanding your knowledge is a very important part of being a successful businessperson. Whether it’s expanding your knowledge about a product you are selling or expanding your general knowledge about your business, you can never know too much about something. When it...
4 Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make

4 Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make

As an entrepreneur, I know we all make mistakes. It’s inevitable, BUT there are a few mistakes that can be avoided and being aware of these mistakes will only improve your success rate. Spending money before you make it: Cash is key in the early stages of a business....
How To Deal With Conflict In Business

How To Deal With Conflict In Business

So, what creates conflict in business aspect? Opposing positions, competitive tensions, power struggles, ego, pride, jealousy, performance discrepancies, compensation issues, just someone having a bad day, etc. While the answer to the previous question would appear to...
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Competition has been a big part of our lives for a long as I can remember. Do you think so too? I remember growing up and wanting to get the highest grade on a test or wanting to beat a fellow classmate in a sports game. All of this helped to shape my mind into always...
How To Turn Your Time Into Money

How To Turn Your Time Into Money

Your phone rings, you answer it. You receive a text message, you stop to check it. You get an email you respond. How much time are you spending on getting things done that aren’t making you money? Every second that you spend on a distraction it’s costing you....

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