Times Of Doubt And Feeling Stuck

Times Of Doubt And Feeling Stuck

As I stood in the office several years ago and heard the words from my boss say, “Sorry we have to let you go” was I believe the most fearful I have ever been. The tears while driving home to my kids were beyond my control. And then out of the blue, I’d swim out too...
The Seed Of Insecurity

The Seed Of Insecurity

I remember the 1st time I was single with 3 kids saying to myself, would the man God had for me really want me with what society calls baggage? Insecurity set in and I second guessed that God still had the king He made just for me. Working hard as a single mom I still...
Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!! Today I wanted to remind everyone exactly what this day is about. It’s not about cookouts and having the day off. It’s about remembering and honoring those men and women who have served and died for our freedom. I just recently watched a movie...
How To Be Thankful All Year Long

How To Be Thankful All Year Long

This time of year can be very stressful and we can sometimes lose sight of all the blessings we have been granted. This time of year it’s tradition to give thanks and be grateful for everything we have, but the real challenge is to continue to be thankful for the...

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