Self-Confidence: Use It Or Lose It

Self-Confidence: Use It Or Lose It

Often people think confidence is something that you have to be born with, and if you aren’t, then you just got unlucky. That’s not true at all. I do believe that some people are born with more confidence than others but everyone has the opportunity to find their inner...
The Importance Of Self Love

The Importance Of Self Love

Loving yourself is much more important than it seems. It’s hard to connect with someone or enjoy the small things when you aren’t in a good place with yourself. Self love doesn’t mean you are self-centered. It just means that you are happy with who you are as a person...
The Courage To Pursue Your Dreams Alone

The Courage To Pursue Your Dreams Alone

Finding the courage to step outside of your comfort zone can be very difficult. Especially when you might not see the support you had hoped for when making the decision to pursue those dreams. Being prepared to walk your journey alone will be the best move you could...
How To Overcome Rejection

How To Overcome Rejection

Rejection is negative judgment shown, and judgment is subjective by nature. Everyone has their own opinion and it doesn’t necessarily have to match yours. Someone could choose to reject you, it does not mean you aren’t worthy of their business or time; it just means...

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