Finding Balance

Finding Balance

Finding balance between your business and your home life can be very difficult at times especially if you are an entrepreneur. It is completely normal for my business to claim the majority of my day so I absolutely have to be aware of my priorities and stick to a...
Having Financial Principles

Having Financial Principles

When it comes to owning your own business, budgeting, saving, and planning are much more difficult than if you had a regular 9-5 job. You don’t have a set amount of money you are paid every week or two weeks so if your business doesn’t perform like it normally does,...
The Importance of Growing Your Social Media

The Importance of Growing Your Social Media

How often do you use social media? Daily? Hourly? Whichever it is, I can guarantee you use it more than you would like to. As an entrepreneur, you can use your social media addiction to your benefit if you are smart about it. A lot of my customers and business...
The Importance Of List Building

The Importance Of List Building

If you are a network marketer or own a business that works somewhat off of the internet, do you ever consider the importance of building your lists? If you think about it this is one of the easiest and greatest things you can do for your business. There are so many...

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