Preparing For Tax Season

Preparing For Tax Season

With the holiday season right upon us we not only get to enjoy fun filled family time and celebrations, but we also get to enjoy the preparation for tax season. For a business owner, tax season is probably my least favorite time of year. There is just so much that...
Things That Assist In Overcoming Stress

Things That Assist In Overcoming Stress

Stress: as much as we try, sometimes we just can’t avoid it. Especially when you own your own business and are pursuing a life of entrepreneurship. There is always something to be done and you’re always the one who is going to be held accountable. The best option is...
Apps That Make Life Easier

Apps That Make Life Easier

Living life as an entrepreneur can be a whirlwind of excitement and endless possibilities but at the same time, it can be STRESSFUL. Attempting to stay organized and on track can be a challenge at times but luckily we live in a world where technology is continuing to...
Being A Positive Impact

Being A Positive Impact

Today I am reflecting on this past weekend and how I have be reassured just what my job here on earth is. Several of my business partners and I met up and hosted a retreat for our team members to celebrate their accomplishments with our business. We laughed, cried,...
The Courage To Pursue Your Dreams Alone

The Courage To Pursue Your Dreams Alone

Finding the courage to step outside of your comfort zone can be very difficult. Especially when you might not see the support you had hoped for when making the decision to pursue those dreams. Being prepared to walk your journey alone will be the best move you could...

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