Six Things To Say On Purpose

Six Things To Say On Purpose

There was a time in my life where I would go from 0 to 100 and my words got the best of me. Not even realizing what I said it felt good. Good to get out my frustration in any way I could. However I knew after a while it was wrong. Our words can do severe damage to our...
Lead Differently

Lead Differently

Throughout my life, I have endeavored to be a leader who inspires development and growth in others. I often say “better together,” because I know none of us can get any assignment accomplished alone. I need every one of my team members, besides, we know that teamwork...
Why Forgiveness?

Why Forgiveness?

Forgiving someone isn’t easy. Believe me, I know from personal experience! But I also know that it is possible. With promises found in scriptures we can do whatever we need to do with God’s power: My past had me never trusting anyone. Always giving the side eye to...


We are all given potential to be or become something big in this world. Each of us are given different characteristics, lives, and circumstances that challenge us to become who we are. The common denominator to tapping into this potential and becoming or being these...

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