Change Is Good

Change Is Good

Let’s face it, embracing change can be difficult. Everyone likes to stay in their comfort zone, hence the word “comfort”, because that is where you feel most secure. The problem is, change is going to enter your life whether you want it to or not. That is why...
Choosing Your Purpose First

Choosing Your Purpose First

You would think that choosing your purpose first would be a no brainer, right? Well, you’re wrong. Coming from experience, choosing my purpose was something I had to put on hold and I really wish I hadn’t. As I’ve said before, I always knew I wanted to help people but...
How To Mentally Prepare To Take That Leap

How To Mentally Prepare To Take That Leap

Taking a leap? It can be one of the hardest decisions that we make in life and many people struggle with ever being able to do it. I spent years working a 9-5 job where I was extremely unhappy but it paid the bills. I thank God everyday that I was able to take that...

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