Overcoming Self Defeat

Overcoming Self Defeat

Are you ever tempted to wave the white flag of surrender before the battle is over? Or perhaps before the battle has even begun? When you face your own personal Goliath-sized dilemma, remember that the giant is never bigger than God. 1 John 4:4 reminds us, “The...
Scheduling Your Day

Scheduling Your Day

What is the best way to schedule my day?? I hear this question from friends all the time. Deciding how to structure our time and steward our resources is top of mind for all of us. As I sit here writing this I also have my Girl CEO Planner that has gotten me through...
To The Working Mom

To The Working Mom

Let’s be real. Do we all really have it all under control? Getting the kids out the door to school on time, meetings, doctor and dentist appointments, work and more; it is hard to keep up. As a busy Mom I’m so excited to announce the launch of my GirlCeo™...
Believing Success Happens Overnight?

Believing Success Happens Overnight?

A dream worth pursuing deserves the time investment to ensure it’s done well, and strategy helps you to move forward with clarity and intention. I’ve spoken to many mission-driven women who are at different stages in their venture. Some have just begun, others have...

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