Writing Your Goals Down In The New Year

Writing Your Goals Down In The New Year

The New Year is in full swing and that usually comes with new commitments or resolutions. Some of those resolutions stick and some become a good attempt at trying to change. If you were to keep just one resolution I highly recommend it be writing down your goals for...
Leaving People Behind In 2016

Leaving People Behind In 2016

As the New Year is coming upon us I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you. At the beginning of each year I always evaluate what occurred in my previous year: the good things, the bad things, the successes, and the failures. I reflect on things that need to be...
Old Fashioned Networking

Old Fashioned Networking

The importance of networking for any business owner is a crucial topic to cover at all stages of its success. Networking is never complete and you can always expand your business. The popular new way to network is through social media and that is a great way to gain...

Pattern and Lines

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