Investing In Marketing

Investing In Marketing

When you think of marketing, where is the first place you see ads on a daily basis? My first thought is on every social media platform. It has become the “norm” for people to be on social media several times a day so companies are getting smart and marketing where...
Are You Stuck In A Rut?

Are You Stuck In A Rut?

Do you find yourself bored, unmotivated, or unchallenged in your business? Have you lost interest in trying? Do you struggle with creating new ideas? Do you have a hard time keeping up with your colleagues? Any of these may be a sign that you are in a rut. The...
The ONE Investment You Can Never Lose

The ONE Investment You Can Never Lose

The most important and beneficial investment you can make is in yourself. Anything that can improve your own talents; nobody can tax it or take it away from you. It is untouchable. You can have all kinds of things happen.  But if you’ve got talent yourself, and you’ve...
How To Turn Your Time Into Money

How To Turn Your Time Into Money

Your phone rings, you answer it. You receive a text message, you stop to check it. You get an email you respond. How much time are you spending on getting things done that aren’t making you money? Every second that you spend on a distraction it’s costing you....
Are You Proud Of Your Business?

Are You Proud Of Your Business?

If you’re not proud of your business, if you’re not proud of the people that you helped, if you’re not proud of the things that you do on a daily basis with your business, then you’re not going to be successful. Your business will fail. Hungry entrepreneurs deserve...

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