Setting Limits For Yourself

Setting Limits For Yourself

I love it when I stumble upon the perfect blog post to share with my followers. This morning I found a blog that Nicole Unice wrote that was about limits and how a lot of us struggle with accepting them. Here are a few things she thinks that might help with that:...
Stop Sacrificing Yourself

Stop Sacrificing Yourself

This morning I came across a blog post by Shauna Niequist; a fellow wife, mother, and businesswoman. Her post was everything that I had felt and continued to feel along this journey of being an entrepreneur. The daily struggles, the highs and lows of business, and the...
Stress Much?

Stress Much?

STRESS. Trust me, I know the toll it can take on a person and how unhealthy it is. It’s easy to feel like we can’t avoid being stressed out because it’s just the way the world is today. The truth is, we don’t have to give into the ways of the world; we can march to...
What To Do When You’re Waiting

What To Do When You’re Waiting

It’s important to not become impatient when you find yourself in a period of waiting. Whether it’s waiting for a job promotion or waiting for a certain milestone in your life. The waiting period is not just wasted time; it can be a great learning experience. Good...
Dream Bigger

Dream Bigger

The secret to being successful is to dream big. When you think of your success goals there needs to be no limitations at all. You don’t need to limit your goals because you know there are going to be challenges ahead. Self-made millionaires didn’t limit themselves;...

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