7 Words To Live By

7 Words To Live By

1.   Take Care of Yourself Women are very good at taking care of people, particularly mothers. They learn to meet everyone else’s needs, but oftentimes neglect themselves. No one knows what a woman needs like the woman herself. Only we know when we need to rest, go...
No Such Thing As Overnight Success

No Such Thing As Overnight Success

Wow, February is over, which means spring is right around the corner! Let’s talk about success for a moment. First off, we both know it isn’t easy. Overnight success looks more like ten years. It did for me! Unconsciously believing success happens overnight can rob us...
Delayed But Never Denied

Delayed But Never Denied

What areas of life feel like they are on delay? What are you working towards that just can’t come soon enough? What does it really mean to have patience? To have patience is to stand with composure, confidently. To embrace delay without feeling discomposed. I think we...
Action Is Required!!

Action Is Required!!

Dreaming big is great, but to achieve your goals you must build a bias for action into your life. So choose a goal, create a plan, work hard, and stay the course. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do. Those prepared to do the work...
Pausing Just For A Second

Pausing Just For A Second

Often times, as mission-driven GIRL CEO’S our ambition keeps us going without taking a moment to pause and celebrate the small wins of life. We can find ourselves constantly focusing on achieving more or doing more, which then leads us to being really hard on...

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