The Fortune Is In The Follow Up

The Fortune Is In The Follow Up

As a network marketer, following up is a key tool that I use in order to gain new customers and business partners. You can’t expect people to purchase your product or do business with you on the first meeting. Sometimes you will luck out and this will happen but you...
How To Be Comfortable Being YOU

How To Be Comfortable Being YOU

As an entrepreneur I have come to realize that one of the main keys to growing your business is being comfortable and confident with yourself because that will then make you feel the same about your business. I’m not necessarily talking about your looks or health, but...
Opinions That Keep You Wealthy

Opinions That Keep You Wealthy

Do you ever find yourself contemplating about what other people will think of your next business decision? If you do, you need to rethink about whose dreams you are really chasing. Steve Jobs once said “ Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s...
5 Tips For Better Time Management

5 Tips For Better Time Management

One of the most common reasons behind a non-productive day is time management. For some reason, people find it very difficult to get all of their priorities in line and have a successful day. I understand the amount of work in your mind can feel like a jumbled mess...

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