Choosing Your Purpose First

Choosing Your Purpose First

You would think that choosing your purpose first would be a no brainer, right? Well, you’re wrong. Coming from experience, choosing my purpose was something I had to put on hold and I really wish I hadn’t. As I’ve said before, I always knew I wanted to help people but...
How To Mentally Prepare To Take That Leap

How To Mentally Prepare To Take That Leap

Taking a leap? It can be one of the hardest decisions that we make in life and many people struggle with ever being able to do it. I spent years working a 9-5 job where I was extremely unhappy but it paid the bills. I thank God everyday that I was able to take that...
The Gift Of Walking In Purpose

The Gift Of Walking In Purpose

We talk a lot about what we are or aren’t “called” do to, but when’s the last time you truly sought the Lord about your calling? This is something that I have battled with for years. I know my passion and calling is to help women but the hard part is finding exactly...
Staying Focused In The Midst Of A Storm

Staying Focused In The Midst Of A Storm

Staying focused when you are going through a rough time in your life can be extremely hard, I know, because I’ve been there too. I’m sure some of you reading this have read or listened to my story so you know that my life hasn’t always been easy. When I became a...

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