Forgiveness Is ALWAYS The Best Option

Forgiveness Is ALWAYS The Best Option

No one can change the past, but you do have the power to upgrade how you feel about it, and that makes all the difference. You can take your power back from all those painful memories, and make peace with your past. Forgiveness heals the guilt and the hurt, and does...
Having Faith

Having Faith

This morning as I was reading God’s word, I thought to myself, “Faith is what got me where I am today and without it, I have no idea where I would be financially, mentally, and physically.” Do you ever sit and think about what has really helped you get to this very...
5 C’s To Improve Your Communication Skills

5 C’s To Improve Your Communication Skills

When it comes to being successful in a business, one of the key factors is communication. If you think about it, you use communication for everything in your business. You have to communicate well with customers, investors, employees, suppliers, etc. So, if you’re...
4 Lessons On Reinventing Your Brand And You

4 Lessons On Reinventing Your Brand And You

This past weekend I kept thinking about what really makes a business stand out or what makes a company thrive the most. What came to mind was their brand; you have to appeal to your customers and potential customers. Branding yourself in whatever you do is the most...
Surrounding Yourself With Like-Minded People

Surrounding Yourself With Like-Minded People

Making positive relationships with other entrepreneurs is essential in creating and maintaining a successful business. As an entrepreneur, making the right connections and surrounding yourself with like-minded people can help both your business and you as a person to...

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