Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Day

Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Day

Your thoughts are so powerful and they can dictate how your day is conducted very easily. So therefore, if you wake up and start your day with negative thoughts, more than likely you will have a negative, counterproductive day. I like to wake up and be 100% positive,...
The Power Of Your Thoughts

The Power Of Your Thoughts

Your thoughts are a very powerful thing and you can convince yourself of a lot if you think about it enough. This can be good and bad. I want to focus on the good it can do. The more you tell yourself you are going to be successful, the more you will believe that you...
Why Saying No Is So Important

Why Saying No Is So Important

This morning I read an article about saying no that really made me open my eyes about why it is important to always think about what is best for my success and me. I can’t say yes to everyone and not every opportunity is going to benefit me in a way that it should. I...

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