How often do you use social media? Daily? Hourly? Whichever it is, I can guarantee you use it more than you would like to. As an entrepreneur, you can use your social media addiction to your benefit if you are smart about it. A lot of my customers and business partners have come from my social media accounts. As my followers increase, my potential customers increase as well. This is all the more reason for every entrepreneur to build their social media accounts. Here are a few key aspects about your social media that you need to consider if you want to build your social media presence.
1) Profile
One of the first things people do when you follow or friend them on a specific social network is look at your Profile. If you have not strategically completed your bio and information details properly, you are dramatically hindering the connections you make. Also make sure your privacy settings are set to low so more people are able to follow you. If you want to build your followers, you can’t have a private account that is not searchable.
2) Stream
Value –Realize that social media is not direct sales, telemarketing or email spam. It is about earning relationships. When people check your social streams and find only content and messaging that is all about you, your brand, products or services, most will run. You must be selfless and realize it’s not about you, but your audience. Post content that they find interesting and relevant that is not about you, and you will earn the right to pitch your stuff to a receptive audience. Fail at this and you will get far fewer connections than you could.
3) Engagement
Conversations & Relationships – The other thing a potential social connection will typically do when reviewing your newsfeeds is look for engagement. They want to know that if they connect with you or your brand, you respond, thank, get into conversations and relationships ensue. This is SOCIAL media remember. It’s not spam media or pitch my stuff media. Be social and leverage the media and you will get many more connections and a growing social community.
When someone is considering connecting with you on any social media outlet, they want to check out your profile and what you have to offer before they hit the follow button. Make sure you choose your content wisely and put the right information out there that will attract the people you want. If you want help with growing your social media with my expertise, click this link:
Ronne B
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