Spending quality time with God is very important to your success. Sometimes it can be hard to find time each day to sit and reflect with God when you have a busy work schedule. Your day seems to get away from you and before you know it, it is time to go to bed. As an entrepreneur, I can block extra time each day to spend with God and take in all of the wonderful benefits that come along with that quality time. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur, here are some benefits of spending time with God on a regular basis:


Many of our problems are purely wisdom problems. You acquire wisdom on how to go about every aspect of your life, how to enjoy a successful marital and family life, success in business or career, total health, etc. Taking time to read God’s scripture can help you gather the wisdom you need to make the necessary decisions that will benefit your life the most.


Have you ever gotten to a point where everything seems surreal and confusing? You can’t make sense of why your life is going in the direction it’s going in? By taking time to sit with God, you can come to an understanding of why your life is going down that certain path and understand the reasoning behind it.


When you are on a crossroad concerning any issue, God will always give you direction. But it is during your quiet time with God that you sharpen your hearing ability.


Do you wonder whether you will succeed in what you are doing? The grace to believe God for help comes as you spend time with Him and learn how much He desires to help you to succeed in your endeavors. An immediate answer might not always come your way but taking the time to listen and learn with benefit you so much in your life and business.

Self Confidence

Confidence is very important if you are to enjoy success in life. Quiet time with God enables you to build up confidence. Any decision you might not have been sure about can be confirmed when you spend quality time with God. Any questionable act that occurred, you can turn to Him for reassurance.


Ronne B

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