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I love it when I stumble upon the perfect blog post to share with my followers. This morning I found a blog that Nicole Unice wrote that was about limits and how a lot of us struggle with accepting them. Here are a few things she thinks that might help with that:

Ponder: Know who you want to be.
 Imagine a week of your life that feels healthy and balanced. What do you envision? Are you making dinners? Working out? Spending time for God? Now choose the top three things that feel important to you. Write them down somewhere prominent so they are in front of you. It’s important not to choose too many at once—that would overwhelm you.

Prioritize: Know your yeses and nos. 
Now that you have a sense of what’s most important to you, you can create a yes/no meter. The next time you face a scheduling decision, use this default sentence: “When I say yes to _______, I am saying no to _______.”

Prepare: Create a default statement.
 In order to stick to your priorities, you need an escape method for decisions that want to break through your boundaries.. When asked to take on a new responsibility, don’t say yes right away. Instead say something like, “I’ll have to check my schedule and get back to you.” This will give you time to think about it.

If you keep living like you can be everything to everyone you will eventually miss opportunities that would be beneficial to you. You have to set limits to remind yourself that you physically and mentally can’t do everything. By embracing the boundaries God’s given us and the speed limits to our soul, we are able to move forward with boldness and freedom in God’s “yes” for our life.


Ronne B


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