Have you ever opened your inbox to find more unread emails than you were prepared for? It’s kind of like when you go to the mall during Spring Break and see every teenager ever born, and suddenly online shopping looks very appealing… In both contexts.

A few weeks ago I was flying home from a TV taping and had this experience. Feeling overwhelmed, I decided to unplug from the wi-fi, which is now accessible 40,000 feet in the air.

I reclined my chair, opened a can of gingerale and turned on the screen in front of me. I figured the best way to relax was close my eyes and breath.

But I could not relax. It was as if a flood of To Do’s were overwhelming me. The what’s next, what if’s, how’s to’s and my mind wondered again as if I was reading those 100’s of emails I tried to detach from.

There has got to be more to life than just busyness and I’m done letting my busyness get in the way of a wonder-filled life.

Have you ever heard the saying today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present? It probably makes you cringe a little, or a lot, and you are not alone. And yet as much as I wish there was a cooler way to say it, it’s true. There’s a reason you woke up this morning, and that reason is not so you would spend today being worried about tomorrow. Seriously, who brags on a Monday about their wild weekend of worry? No one.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25-29 that worrying is pointless, which we kind of already know. But even better, He tells us what to do instead:

Matthew 6:34 in The Message bible says, “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes”.

So what do we do with today? That thing.

Forgive that person. Start that business. Ask that person on a date. Apply for that course. Do that workout. Send that text. Start writing that book. For goodness sake, buy that puppy! Do something that will make today count.

So my friend, live full and love well today. And I pray as you climb into bed tonight, you will remember to thank the One who gave you this day.

Ronne B.

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