No human can master leadership but if you were to ask me what leadership looks like…. I believe leadership looks a lot like watching others lead. It’s a true honor to have leadership that continually points me in the right direction and always exhibits healthy leadership habits. I’ve seen leadership exhibited from the platform, to the parking lot, and loving correction. The operative word here is “seen”. So, what would leadership look like if you could see it displayed?

Leadership could look a lot like:

1. Serving the Hurting

I was always under the mindset that I should be served, but I have learned that no matter what God has called you to, whether it’s to start a business, write a book, raise a family, teach the next generation, or rescue women from sex trafficking, it’s not about other people serving me or you. It’s about the people on the other side of our actions.

2. Walking in Humility

The savior of the world came and died on a cross. Not for Himself,  but for all of us! Jesus Christ’s life wasn’t even FOR Him; Therefore, our lives aren’t going to be about us. We can’t simply say, “More of you, Lord, and less of me.” We must become more like Him, by laying our life down for Him—by laying down our PRIDE.

3. Fighting for Surrender

Serving in a life is powerfully eye-opening and it’s forced me to grow in ways that I didn’t acknowledge needing to grow in the past. I’ve had the honor of watching others leader from a position of Surrender. Something I’m not sure I’d ever witnessed. It’s a true honor to see what it looks like to continually fight for surrender. Surrender in all areas of life whether that’s in the marketplace, ministry, or relationships. Surrender in speech, finances, fears, aspirations and successes.

Watch those who are exhibiting Christ-like leadership and follow their lead. Turn your eyes to Jesus and pour over His words, actions and thoughts. Pray that He would teach you what it looks like lead like Jesus


Ronne B

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