You’re a champion. A goal-setter and go-getter. You probably thrive off of a great to do list, a color-coded schedule, and an efficient morning routine. And you’re doing great things. You’re changing the world and making a difference. Like I said, rock star.
But maybe, just maybe, you’re getting a little tired, a little weary.
The constant hustle is wearing on you and you find yourself praying you get a head cold—nothing serious, but just enough to call in sick and spend the day in bed eating popcorn and watching movies?
I have found myself there more times than I could count. As a recovering workaholic, perfectionist, and sister friend, I get it. But what if there was another way, a better way? Did you know that God actually commands us to rest? In fact, he says it is how the world will know we are His people.
That means that taking time each week to pause, to rest, and to proclaim that our worth and identity is not found in our hustle, our calendar, or our accomplishments. Our number one identity is as a child of God, a daughter of the King, and because of that we can slow down, we can breathe, and we can Sabbath. It means that God is going to be faithful, He will provide the daily bread needed for today, and when tomorrow comes? Yea, He’s going to provide for that as well.
Our world is built on the “American Dream”, the hustle and side-hustle, the new planner every six weeks. It takes time to realign our priorities and it takes discipline to learn a new path of doing things, a new way of organizing our time.
So today make time for you. You deserve it.
Ronne B
Great blog post!! I mentioned this to myself, I’m learning how to reboot and recharge. It’s very necessary.
Love it
I was JUST telling my husband today that I needed a day! And a few days with him to recharge!
Thank you so much for this!!!! It was needed and I didn’t even know it lol