I have come to realize that there is wisdom in knowing when a season has ended in order to make a way to move forward in the new one. In the last couple of months I have had to walk away from relationships and business ventures that no longer brought me joy or peace. However, as I worked through the emotional process of it all, I noticed that there were other things that I was also quitting—and for good reasons. Here are some examples of things that we all should quit:

1.Judging yourself for seeing and believing things differently than the world around you sees it.

2. Staying connected to projects or initiatives that no longer fit your life or season.

3. Feeling guilty for saying “no” to folks that wanted to control your life and mind. Saying no to good things opens up your availability to saying yes to great things!

4. Judging yourself for not being in your career or business where others are at this time. Your pace is fine for you and your current situation. To me, as long as I am moving forward my speed is not the priority.

5. Caring so much what others think about you and your decisions—focus more on what God thinks of you and your choices; after all you are allowing Him to direct your steps.

6. Worrying about how small your inner circle of friends is and being okay with quality rather than quantity.

You see, I am a quitter and in quitting these things I have found peace in becoming the woman God wants me to be.


You can be a quitter and be at peace too! Some things have an expiration date on them for a reason, they weren’t meant to last a lifetime and other things you do are for eternity. Know the difference and be at peace with your decision, God has an amazing plan for your life! Quit the good for the better.

Are you trying to do everything, be everything and succeed at it all? What can you put aside and quit so that you can do what you are called to do better?

Ronne B

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