I spent several years of my life wishing the weeks were shorter and the weekends were longer. I didn’t enjoy my 9-5 job and I hated being away from my family. I was happy because I knew I was providing for them, they were all healthy and we got to spend some time together on those cherished weekends, BUT I wasn’t as happy as I could be. That is why I had to make a change. I had to do what I loved so I didn’t feel like I had to escape from working every Friday at 5.

I pursued an opportunity that I knew would produce the results I was looking for, and now I can work everyday without feeling like I’m working at all! I can spend more quality time with my kids and everyday feels like a Friday. There is no more escaping from what I do, there is no more wishing things could be different. I am doing what I love and I get to share that love with my children and teach them about business while my business continues to grow. It’s the best of both worlds.

I truly believe that everyone can pursue a career in the field they love and still succeed. Some people might enjoy going to an office everyday and some people might want to take a different direction. There could be two people who work 60+ hours a week and both love what they do; the only difference is one works from home and the other works in an office. Everyone is different and that is okay as long as you’re happy.

The important thing is to never settle for something less than what you deserve. If you truly believe that you can be happier doing something else, I encourage you to try it! It can be scary switching jobs or changing careers completely, but I have learned that being happy with what I do has a much bigger effect on my life than just happiness. I was more confident in my work so my business thrived and succeeded rapidly. When you are 100% sure of yourself, you are unstoppable.

Don’t wish your weekdays away because you are ready for the weekend. Find your passion and purse it!! When you are doing what you love you can enjoy EVERYDAY, not just the weekends.


Ronne B

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