Hey Everyone,

Can you believe it? It’s almost the end of the year already! It seems like January was just here and we were all planning our goals for the year. By now you may have just settled into what your plans were and have accomplished at least some or maybe you fell into goal fatigue trying to accomplish too much at once. Mastering the follow-through is key to building unstoppable momentum. Crafting SMART goals is a tool you can use to follow-through on your plans. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound.


Specific: Be clear with yourself about what you want the outcome to be. Measurable: Your goal should be something tangible that can be counted or tracked, you can do this by adding numbers to your goal. Attainable: Your goals should be able to be achieved and checked off. Realistic: Make sure to factor in the resources you have available to you in order to get a good idea on what you can achieve. Time-Bound: Have a firm date in mind as a finish line to work towards. This is very important because as you begin to create time-bound goals you’ll realize if your goals are for now or for later.

As you build momentum use it as a strategy to move on to the next goal. Setting goals that are not specific enough can lead to discouragement due to lack of momentum. Everyone needs a road map to follow, especially when the road is so long and complicated. Setting SMART goals is a wise practice to incorporate in your routines.

Ronne B.

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