Do you have a dream so big in your heart that you are sure it would take a miracle to actually come to fruition? Do you ever let your mind just wander in the world of possibilities? What if you had no obstacles, just open doors and endless resources at your disposal? Would you be fearful then? Would you feel that you still lack in some area? Would anything still stand in your way?

I have learned that our faith truly determines our destiny. We must believe in order to receive. Our culture tells us “do more, be more, have more but the Lord says do not lean on your own understanding. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways, declares the Lord.” They are higher than our human mind can understand and He is clear throughout his word that in order to live abundantly, we are to surrender our lives to Him, for His glory. Think about it this way…. all those passions, talents, and even dreams inside of you, He placed there as part of his original design for your life. He has always known you beyond measure. I firmly believe it is about doing less and allowing God to do only what God can do.. I have had doors open that I could not even imagine. I was just a girl from the hood who dreamed big. Now, not only do I dream big, but I have big as well.

What if we decided to radically start believing that God would do the unimaginable, the impossible in our life? What if we made the decision to be deliberate in taking every part of our life including our thoughts, emotions, finances, relationships, health, and dreams straight to God as if He were our best confidant? What if we waited on Him for answers instead of moving ahead blindly with fingers crossed that we made the right decision? We are His beloved and our Lord wants to unleash His power in our lives; it is up to us to believe and press into our true identity in Christ. Then, and only then will God raise you up in ways that you could never possibly fathom. You were made by Him and made for Him. He is rooting for you all the way. Go get em!

What is your big dream? Have you shared it with anyone? How will inviting God into your big dream impact whether or not it happens?


Ronne B

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