Often times, as mission-driven women our ambition keeps us going without taking a moment to pause and celebrate the small wins of life. We can find ourselves constantly focusing on achieving more or doing more, which then leads us to being really hard on ourselves. Unconsciously, this behavior can result in us feeling inadequate about our abilities or unhappy about our productivity. But what would it look like if we adopted a new behavior of celebration? A new rhythm and routine of pausing to remember how far we’ve come? And yes, we may not be exactly where we would like to be, yet, but we’re definitely not where we use to be. Now that’s a reason to dance!

Will you accept the challenge? Try to include celebratory questions into your daily, weekly, or monthly routine. Ask yourself, “What has happened this day, week, or month that I am really proud of? What can I applaud? What did I do, experience, receive or create that is worth celebrating?” Recognize the big wins, but don’t neglect the small ones.

Keep track of your victories. Keeping a track record of past victories will give us ammo for the battles that are up ahead. You’ll have more hope, deeper conviction and lasting motivation to keep you going.

PS: Since the new year is right around the corner don’t forget to get your Girl CEO Planner. I love how me and my designers created something just for you. https://imagirlceo.com

Ronne B.

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